
La 'Umra step by step - Mostafa Brahami - Editions Tawhid


Hajj & Umra Practical Guide

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This booklet is a succinct practical guide to the obligatory and recommended gestures and words involved in performing the 'umra at God's Sacred House in Mecca.

It contains all the aspects and references (Koran and Sunna) of the rituals of the small pilgrimage ('umra). It is designed to provide a step-by-step application of the various gestures and words that the believer is required to perform, focusing on the relevant obligations and prophetic recommendations, all in a concise manner without sacrificing the essentials.

The book is divided into two parts: a theoretical part providing basic knowledge, and a practical part in which the believer simply has to follow, step by step, all the stages of the 'umra.


Specific References

La 'Umra step by step -...


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